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Matt Prados

Review Wave

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Matt Prados here, CEO and founder of Review Wave. Did you know, when patients evaluate two comparable doctors, 57% would choose the doctor who lets them fill out their paperwork online before their visit? 

It’s not just your intake forms that patients want online. An ever-increasing 54% would choose the doctor who allows them to schedule appointments online over the doctor who does not. 

The good news is Review Wave can help you create the high-tech practice patients will choose . . . Drum roll, please 🥁

We’re happy to announce our latest release, Online Forms!

With pre-built templates for marketing opt-ins and patient intake forms, you can save time, cut costs, and improve your patient experience by reducing wait times and protecting patient privacy.

Not to mention, the NEW Platinum API that launched on July 1st means Review Wave’s Online Scheduling and The Scheduling App just got even better:
Scheduled appointments can now be written directly into your Platinum system!

Talk about saving you hours of phone calls and CA data entry. Your patients get to reap lots of benefits, too, aside from being empowered with their own appointment scheduling:

  • Patients can sign-in for their appointments using their bar code in The Scheduling App

  • Parents can manage their children’s appointments on The Scheduling App

  • Patients can have all their appointments sync directly to their favorite calendar

  • You can send push notifications through The Scheduling App and patients can use the App to control their communication preferences: email, text or push notifications


Hear What Another Platinum User Has to Say About The Scheduling App:


Matt Signature


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